The Internet is awash with get rich quick schemes, especially surrounding the stock market.
All these systems are useless, failing to answer four simple questions.
1. If the scheme is so good, why are we being told, why isn’t the seller of the scheme on a beach in Bermuda working out how to spend his next million?
2. If the scheme is so good, why charge for it? The seller must already be stinking rich.
3. Why don’t the big banks use it to stop huge losses in their dealing rooms?
4. If everyone uses it, the stock market will run out of money.
Then I came across this very clever idea.
A trader with a website with a large following, has opened his dealing bank account for the public to see. He also tells you when he has bought a share and also when he has sold it.
And all this information is free!
Last year he made £300,000! So by following him you can make the same!… Er, not quite.
The clever bit is the ‘when he has’. His followers rush and buy a share he has just bought. The price of the share rises. When he has made his twenty per cent the trader sells. The price goes down. The first few of his followers indeed do make money but the majority do not.
And there is a second profit for the trader. He shorts the share before he sells, when the price drops he buys at the lower price and makes even more money.
Now this is not the usual get rich quick rip off. But a bright lad who has worked out a nifty way to make a fortune with your money. Not bad!
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