Bernard King


The Apple logo

During the second world war. The British captured an enigma code machine, considered by the Nazis to produce unbreakable codes. Alan Turin, a British mathematician, broke the codes and saved the lives of many allied servicemen, and some say, shortened the war by two years.

Turin was homosexual, an illegal trait in the forties. He was offered a choice, to go to prison or chemical castration. He chose the latter with devastating consequences, eventually taking his own life. He chose poison and following in the footsteps of Snow White, in his opinion, the purest person on the planet, he injected the poison into an apple and died after one bite.

Now it is said Steve Jobs, of Apple fame, admired Turin’s achievements so much he took a white apple with one bite as his company logo.

I cannot remember where I heard this story and no one believes it when I tell them.

So now I am asking, does anyone know if it is true?

Thank you to all the readers who emailed me on the above. Apparently, the man himself, Steve Jobs was told this story.

He thought it was very dramatic, but, it is not true.





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