Bernard King


And that is what this page is about. Look upon it as a page to come to if website fatigue has punctuated your pleasure. Pause page has been created to combat any weariness navigating the jewels on this website.

Relaxation is the answer. So, stay with me and together we will induce an ambiance of tranquility and calm before you continue your discovery of the wonderful words and sounds awaiting you further on the website.

So let us start your relaxation by listen to me saying something nice.

Now we are in a receptive state let us continue relaxing by listening to a piece especially composed for this moment.

You see, you were listening to nothing. So why not make a recording of nothing and then sit listening to it?

I have repeated that recoding of nothing to show how waiting for nothing to happen can be as exciting as waiting for something to happen, like reading reading further on this page.


No noise, no wind, no waves, no crowds – alone on the beach beachbeach. bea


Waiting for nothing can only imbue total inaction. The state we have been trying to achieve!

However if one decides this website or this page does not fulfill their expectations, by using the red button below an automatic note of complaint will be emailed to me immediately, and the button will turn to green. Should the button not work, that will give one more cause for complaint, thus reducing further stress.

Hopefully we are now in flop flop mode and ready to continue the exciting voyage through the website.

To ease and inspire your journey I offer three proverbs.

If at first you do not succeed, try, try, try again –  Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland.


To keep repeating the same actions and expect a different result is stupidity – Einstien.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going – Joseph P. Kennedy (1888-1969)


When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping – Andrew Marshall.


Many hands make light work – John Heywood


One finger makes my light work – Me.

Finally, here are some links that may help continue your pause after you have left the website!

Relaxed and ready? So back to the jewels in the Website!

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