Bernard King

The bridge of HMS Belfast

This is a pic I took from the Captain’s seat on the bridge of HMS Belfast, the WW2 battleship moored in the Thames in London.



Found baffling

It’s the hopper head at the side of the window I found baffling

Good Luck in there!

Enough said.

A Parisian Plaque

A Parisian Plaque
The translation: ‘Here, killed by the Nazis, corporal Roger Salomez. He died for France on August 20th 1944’.

What do you do with old cycle saddles?

What do you do with old cycle saddles?

What do you do with old car wheels?

What do you do with old car wheels?

What do you do with old wine casks?

What do you do with old wine casks?

 What do you do with old tractor tyres?

Still on motoring, well, sort of. What do you do with old tractor tyres? Salvador Dali found a use for them. To support his statues outside his museum in Spain!

This is an interesting car

This is an interesting car I saw recently, it is not the drivers seat I found different but the windscreen wipers. There is no windscreen for them to clean, so a surgical glove has been attached to one of them to wipe the drivers spectacles.

 This sign gives no clue

Despite being visually arresting, this sign gives no clue as to the business of this business. But when I tell you they are wine producers the sign becomes obvious.

Here is another crech, constructed from veg!

Religon, and food – it has to be a French creche.

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