Bernard King

Policeman directing a motor cyclist. 

This is a policeman directing a motor cyclist. All made from electronic components!

The Postman Saga 

The Postman Saga

Someone’s day is about to end in tears

Someone’s day is about to end in tears

I was fixing this shelf in the kitchen when….

I was fixing this shelf in the kitchen when….

A bad case of galloping garden gnome disease

A bad case of galloping garden gnome disease – a cure is still being sought.

The Internet is awash with get rich quick schemes

The Internet is awash with get rich quick schemes, especially surrounding the stock market.

A friend was having problems with gastric wind

A friend was having problems with gastric wind. After a particularly loud release of pressure she covered it beautifully.

Clochemerle peals again!

A man in the village wanted to sell his house. During the solicitor’s search it transpired the stairs leading to the house did not belong to the house

A Christmas Giggle.

I bough myself a small remote control helicopter (because no one else would buy me one – big kid, childish, etc) for Christmas.

Took my dog for quiet evening walk in the forest.

Took my dog for quiet evening walk in the forest. We passed several houses, all quite isolated with large guard dogs that snarled as we past – except for one.

That was over fifty years ago

James Bond was around thirty-five years old when we met him for the first time. That was over fifty years ago.

Have a problem with a piece of local folklore.

Have a problem with a piece of local folklore.
Truffles are a much prized delicacy and grow here in The South of France among the roots of certain oak trees.

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