The Postman Saga
This conversation actually took place outside a post office that was closed
when it should not have been.
A man drives up in a post office van and takes out a sackful of letters.
Me: Ah! Good, could you please take this parcel.
Man: No, I’m not a postman.
Me: But have a post van and a sack of letters.
Man: Yes.
Me: But you are not a postman?
Man: No.
Me: So what can I do with this parcel?
Man: Take to to the post office.
Me: The post office is closed.
Man: Yes.
Me Why?
Man: The girls on holiday.
Me: Couldn’t you put a sign to say so?
Man: No.
Me: Why not?
Man: It’s obvious.
Me: No it’s not.
Man: She can’t, she’s on holiday.
He then picked up the sack of letters, put them back in the van and drove off.
I walked back home with my parcel and took one of my anti-insanity pills.
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