Bernard King

A Welcome From

-Bernard King

Why are you here?

And what’s in this website for you?

Depends. If you are a kid there are children’s stories for all ages. There will eventually be over two hundred happy stories  with no ogres, or things that go bonk in  the night. And I reckon by the time you have listened to them all, you will be too old for children’s stories.

If you are a bit bigger and heavier than a child then you are probably an adult. For you there is masses of stuff being added to continually. Audio stories, soundicles, audio books, giggles, etc.

If you like the stuff I write there are several print books as well. If you don’t like the stuff I write then Christ you will be bored, but at least it will keep you off the streets.

If your would like notification when new stories are published – Leave the message NOTIFY on an email to and we will put you on the list. If  you don’t want to be notified then don’t waste my time telling me.

If you dislike what I write I would be very interest in your critique. Just write it on the back of a ten pound note and I will read it.


Children's Audio Stories

Ding Dong Bell 3yrs+

Learn how to have fun with bells!

The Jelly Baby Story 5yrs+

Find out what happens when a jelly baby
does not do as it is told!


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