Why are you here?
And what’s in this website for you?
Depends. If you are a kid there are children’s stories for all ages. There will eventually be over two hundred happy stories with no ogres, or things that go bonk in the night. And I reckon by the time you have listened to them all, you will be too old for children’s stories.
If you are a bit bigger and heavier than a child then you are probably an adult. For you there is masses of stuff being added to continually. Audio stories, soundicles, audio books, giggles, etc.
If you like the stuff I write there are several print books as well. If you don’t like the stuff I write then Christ you will be bored, but at least it will keep you off the streets.
If your would like notification when new stories are published – Leave the message NOTIFY on an email to bernardking2@gmail.com and we will put you on the list. If you don’t want to be notified then don’t waste my time telling me.
If you dislike what I write I would be very interest in your critique. Just write it on the back of a ten pound note and I will read it.